Centos 8.2 notes on fresh install

Centos 8.2 Minimal install -updated

  1. Mysql Save Password on post install
    Errors : DBI connect failed : Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)
    ( If you try again it saves and continues)

  2. Proftpd on re-check
    The ProFTPD server does not appear to be installed on your system, or has not yet been set up properly in Webmin’s ProFTPD Server module. If your system does not use ProFTPD, it should be disabled in Virtualmin’s module configuration page.
    ( If you open the Proftpd module stop and start no more error message)

  3. Missing file: /etc/webmin/localips

  4. Transfer first existing server from another VMserver errors out complaining of missing LSOF

  5. Restore from existing backup
    virtualmin Restore failed : Failed to find section local_name xxxxxxx.com
    ( Rerun again and it restores ok)

  6. Virtualmin will not restart after restore

Httpd errors out complaining about just about any declaration which has “php_” in httpd.conf. I had to comment the lines out which solved the problem…

All were fairly easy workarounds but thought you would like to know.


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