Can't start Nginx after moving virtual servers to new server

Operating system Ubuntu Linux 24.04.1
Webmin version 2.202 Usermin version 2.102
Virtualmin version 7.20.2 Authentic theme version 21.20.7

I just rebuilt my virtualmin server, and restored 17 virtual servers from AWS S3. That was the easiest restore I have ever done, except:

On the old server, there had been an option to create a virtual server with the main host domain. I could not find that option on this version of virtualmin. The Nginx config file and other pieces of that virtual server were restored, but there is no virtual server to match the default (
This is an issue, because after rebooting, Nginx refused to start - when checking the config, I get the error message:

Failed to save configuration file : Configuration is invalid: 2024/10/29 11:25:14 [emerg]
Save arid 2685#2685: cannot load certificate "/etc/ssl/virtualmin/16789215106071 4/ssl.combined": BIO_new_file() failed (SSL: error:80000002 :system libr ary: No such file or directory :calling fopen(/etc/ssl/virtualmin/167892 151060714/ssl. combined, r) error:10000080 :BIO routines::no such file)

Other certs belonging to other virtual servers are in /etc/ssl/virtualmin, but not that one. I’m not sure how to solve this issue.

Ok, I had to delete the nginx conf file for the non-existent virtual server, turn off all automatic lets encrypt action, and then I was allowed to create the virtual server, get a new lets encrypt cert, (which virtualmin/webmin also uses), get another cert for which is a separate virtual server. Then I could start nginx and everything worked.

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