Cant set Virtualmin Hostname to use SSL

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.5
Virtualmin version 7.20.2 Pro

So i have Virtualmin installed on a Ubunutu VPS. During Virtualmin setup, i named the instance “”. And i proceeded to set up a single server: “”.

Using cloudflare for my doman/dns. I was able to set up my SSL with LetsEncrypt just fine for " Domains associated with this server". But then when i do" Domain names listed here", i copy all the main ones, and add, it fails. I have the ws entry added in my dns records on cloudflare.

lol Hi! This is probably the ONE thing I can actually help you with!

First I need to know two things:

  1. Is this a brand new install?
  2. Did you already set your hostname in the server?
  1. So i have had this install for a while. I had successfully got the to get the SSL. but the issue arose when it came time to renew. it failed(along with all the listed domains i selected.) After troubleshooting the log, i tried renewing (after the time out period) but this time without the in VM(ie: the standard selection of domains) and boom it renewed. then tried to add the ws domain again…and failed…all while having the ws A record properly in Cloudflare

  2. yes the host name is I set that when i set up the VM instance

I basically have the same setup, I don’t use cloudflare for dns but vultr’s dns (my vps host) but it should be the same. Not sure what you mean Domain names listed here, is this in Virtualmin, if so can you screenshot that. You have disable DNS on the virtual server.

When the issue was present i took all the “domains associated” and copied them to the “listed here” and added

Ok, let me try.
Ok, I added (same as hostname of server) to Domain names listed here
and requested the cert and worked fine. has a A record at vultr dns.

the dns should have whats in Suggested DNS Settings

Yup. “ws” record in VM matches whats in Cloudflare DNS

I have the hostname of VM as and then i have my main site that i have content on, at WS stands for webserver. so its how i access the VM instance.

No idea why you would have a issue with just that name.
try using http-01
see if it errors.

you can just use to access via the webmin login or any with virtual server domain. Maybe your accessing something else.

huh…guess i never thought of just going to the :10000 and just make not resolve to anything lol

Just leave the hostname be. It doesn’t need a certificate and shouldn’t be used for anything other than being set as the hostname.

Read the FQDN section:

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