I have a similar problem.
I just downloaded webmin and virtualmin trial version.
Although I am very happy and pleased to see my instal of webmin go very smoothly.
I downloaded virtualmin as part of module for webmin (per instructions).
As I am trying to configure things via the GUI, I am kind of not sure. The GUI seems to be asking for .conf files per older versions of Apache i.e. apache_1.3 etc. Whereas I have Apache2…
When I go in and click on "Re-check and refresh configuration" for virtualmin - I see this:
BIND DNS server is installed.
Mail server Postfix is installed and configured.
The Apache webserver does not appear to be installed on your system, or has not yet been set up properly in Webmin's Apache Webserver module. If your system does not use Apache, it should be disabled in Virtualmin's module configuration page.
… your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.
So I clicked on "Apache Webserver module" in the above message and got the following message:
The Apache configuration file /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf does not exist. If you have Apache installed, adjust the module configuration to use the correct path.
So here I clicked on "module configuration".
Then I choose the following:
Apache server root directory /etc/apache2
Path to httpd executable /usr/sbin/apache2
Apache version Work out automatically
Path to the apachectl command /usr/sbin/apache2
Command to start apache /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Command to stop apache /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
Command to apply configuration Use apachectl or HUP signal
Run stop and start commands
Command to re-read configuration Same as apply command
Path to httpd.conf or apache2.conf Automatic
Path to srm.conf Automatic
Path to access.conf Automatic
Path to mime.types Automatic
Path to Apache PID file Work out automatically
Now with that said: I do know when I try to run the following command via terminal window (I have root access):
I get the following message:
poweruser@blazex:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server… Warning: DocumentRoot [[/var/www/sharedip]] does not exist
Warning: DocumentRoot [[/var/www/web9/web]] does not exist
Warning: DocumentRoot [[/var/www/web12/web]] does not exist
In the end it still gives the same error message:
Here is the error message:
The Apache configuration file /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf does not exist. If you have Apache installed, adjust the module configuration to use the correct path.
Since this is Apache2, so then what is the correct file name? or some thing similar. Appreciate any help.
I did run this command from command line without an issue.
So this command seems to work:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop