Cannot start Virtualmin service

Webmin starts fine, but Virtualmin won’t: “Failed to start virtualmin.service: Unit virtualmin.service failed to load: No such file or directory.” Last thing I changed was the SSL certificate and private key paths for a virtual server. (I was looking to change the certificate for port 10000.) Seemed to take a while on application, then became inaccessible. I’ve run check-config, ends with “OK”. I’m not sure where virtualmin config files are or how to get more info on what “file or directory” the service is tripping over.


Virtualmin is actually part of Webmin… it’s a Webmin module.

If Virtualmin is installed, you’d be able to access it from within Webmin.

When logging into Webmin, do you see two tabs at the top-left – a Webmin and Virtualmin tab?

Or are you saying that you can no longer access Webmin or Virtualmin on port 10000?


Good to know. Well for a while, it was refusing my connection. Tried it again now and it works fine…