Calling Vernon Spangler

Your domain ( is down. Is it coming back soon or is there another place from which to download your excellent modules?

Does anyone know what the situation is with Vernon? Evidently he isn’t checking this forum often.

It’s been a while since he’s spoken up on the Webmin mailing list, and he was never involved here much. I’d be keen to hear from him, as well. He was one of the more prolific third party application developers for Webmin and Virtualmin…and we really like that sort of thing around here.


I have just done a bit of research to see if I could find him. It appears he may have fallen on some tough times financially. That’s prolly why the domain is no longer.

Since he is an OIF vet and I am one too, I would like to help him out in some way, however small it may be. If you have another email address for him other than the one, please let me know, so I can get ahold of him.

Heck, I’ll give him all the webspace he wants if I can find him.

Why does this forum keep doubling up my posts? Can somebody delete the doubles please?

Why does this forum keep doubling up my posts?

When your browser pops up asking if you want to resend data on the reload, if you click yes, it doubles the post. It’s stupid, I know. I’m upgrading the forum soon, which will hopefully resolve this longstanding and irritating issue.

Can somebody delete the doubles please?

Not really. The bug that leads to users being unable to edit their own posts past the first one leads to me being unable to delete posts without hitting the database directly.

Don’t worry, nobody thinks you’re dumb because of them. We all double post now and then with this flaky software.

It appears he may have fallen on some tough times financially.

If you find him, let me know.

Heck, I'll give him all the webspace he wants if I can find him.

Likewise. He’ll have no shortage of web service if he wants it. His contributions to the Webmin and Virtualmin community are missed. :wink:

I told you this forum plugin sucked before it even went live. Wouldn’t listen to me back then would ya ? LOL

So i google myself today and i see that i was being looked for. what is it i can do for you all

btw joe i got the shirt and lost it… but just wanted to say thanks for the shirt.

Yay! Vernon’s back!

Good to hear from you.

I think someone was looking for one of your Virtualmin or Webmin modules last year. I just missed having you around the Webmin community. :wink:

btw joe i got the shirt and lost it... but just wanted to say thanks for the shirt.

We’re printing more for OSCON. I’ll send you a new one. :wink:

Email me your size (American Apparel, so they’re made a little smaller than usual) and address, and I’ll make sure you get one when they come back from the printer in a few weeks.

Oh, my email address is

I am back and just messing around a bit. I would like to put a little time into my modules and see if I can make any more improvements not only to the webmin project but maybe into the virutalmin project. But if I take a bit of my free time to help out I will be mostly focusing on my modules than solving actual …min issues. With that in mind is where I am currently hosting my modules get a copy and keep it around for others incase I come up missing again.