BIND broken, caused of deactivated server

Operating system: Ubuntu
OS version: 20.04

I’ve disabled one VirtualServer myDomain in my Virtualmin system.
Today I tried to add the postgree-sql feature, and got following errors:

Die folgenden Fehler wurden in der Zonendatei /var/lib/bind/ gefunden …

/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
/var/lib/bind/ ignoring out-of-zone data (
dns_rdata_fromtext: /var/lib/bind/ near eof: unbalanced parentheses
zone loading from master file /var/lib/bind/ failed: unbalanced parentheses
zone not loaded due to errors.

I got the same error, if I open BIND-DNS Server in Webmin and check run the bind config-check for this domain.

I didn’t edit the bind-files manually, so I wonder where those errors come from. Is this a known bug?

I’ve figured out - as I opend the config-file, that there was missing an closing Parenthese for a dkim-entry… and there was a linebreak behind the p=xxxx String:	IN	TXT	( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCxxxxxxxxwBNZ4V3ma" 

After I’ve added it, all errors at this domain are gone.
So I still wonder, how this can happen.

Hmm. I too have experienced this error in recent versions of Virtualmin when there are sub servers created. I too had to do what you did - but I removed the entire entry because it was malformed. BTW the domain key you have quoted in your initial message appears to be malformed too. It probably won’t work normally when signing outgoing email, even if it does not generate an error.

So, #BugReport
Domain keys end up malformed. We don’t know how or why.

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