Backups FTP vs LOCAL

OS type and version CentOS Linux 7.9.2009
Webmin version 2.111
Virtualmin version 7.10.0 Pro
Webserver version REQUIRED
Related packages SUGGESTED

Hi Team

Here is another weird one. We have been using a NFS share on the servers to create a backup folder on our servers for local backups. We are using the scheduled backups under VIRTUALMIN - BACKUP AND RESTORE - SCHEDULED BACKUPS to execute a daily backup.

We have decided to change our method to FTP backups. On this server we have an issue with mariadb mysql dump and this is causing the backups to fail for some sites. (This is not the issue, we are aware of this).

When using “local file or directory” the sites with a partial backup still generate and copy a tar.gz file to the backup location with the site files (just without database). BUT when using “ftp” as the destination - no partial backup file is pushed to the ftp destination! No other parameters or options have been changed.

I have logs for both types of backup and the log files are almost identical - we are just missing partial backup .tar.gz in the destination.

Can you please assist.


This is configurable. Set “Action on error” to the behavior you want.

Thanks Joe

We currently have the setting set to “Continue with other features and servers”

The setting was the same when we were using a local path for backups.

The only thing that has changed is that we are now using FTP as the destination.

It seems like for local files, the tar.gz is still copied across but not for FTP.

Sorry for this question. But does the user who is doing the backup have the right FTP permissions ? (Especially if you didn’t change any setting)

Isn’t it a password needed to get FTP access to a folder ?

Thanks. Good question. Yes. We setup the FTP user and sites that don’t have MySQL issue backup to the folder fine. The issue is just that the partial sites don’t copy to FTP but do with NFS (all other settings being equal). Cheers

As often with this kind of problem it’s hard to say when we don’t have directly access to it …

So the mysql error literally prevent the backup to continue despite “continue with other features”. I would be happy to help. But I think I can’t on this one. Is there an errors logs somewhere ?

Still thinking about it. When using FTP, doesn’t the connection open when the backup is ready ? (And not before. Contrary to “Local file or directory” which save step by step everything) If it’s the case it will be impossible to get it as long as you didn’t fix the MySQL threat (Maybe open a topic to fix it first).

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