Originating server:
Webmin version 1.740
Virtualmin version 4.16.gpl
Debian Linux 7
Destination server:
Webmin version 1.890
Virtualmin version 6.03
Debian Linux 8
I have migrated a domain example.com by creating a backup of this domain in the old server and restored it on the new server. That went fine.
However, I have a database in this domain (Kimai). This database has users permission etc set in the mysql database. mysql is the name of the database holding the users permissions. Not the name of the MySQL server.
The transfer of the kimai database went fine. But the permissions are not there. I cannot access it. The mysql database on the new server is there. But it was not updated with the user settings for kimai.
I think I can make a manual backup/restore of the mysql database from webmin. But I don’t understand why this was not done while backup/restore of the domain.
How can I transfer the mysql database from the old to the new server as part of the virtualmin backup/restore? I did backup the virtualmin global settings, but this database is not included.
And, of course, how do I make this a part of the backups of the domain? If this were not a transfer, but a backup to use after a crash, how can I be sure that database users are part of the backup for disaster recovery?
I tried to Google this, but all I get is results of backing up MySQL databases, not the mysql database.