Apache not directing to virtual ip addresses

>> I created a virtual server (e.g. bible3.com) via Virtualmin but couldn’t access it – i.e. when I browse the domain name , I got directed to the “catchall” website as stipuated in the httpd.conf under[VirtualHost *> – see below.

That is, the Apache web server served /var/www/html/catchall/public_html instead of /var/www/html/bible3.com/public_html

Why is that so?

OK, problem solved. Removed an extra "Options" in the VirtualHost directive created by Virtualmin in the httpd.conf

When I restarted the server, Virtualmin tells me that the Apache server wasn’t working properly because there is an additional “Options” before “Options ExecCGI Includes…”

I don’t know how the additional Options got there. May be it’s me or maybe there is a bug in one of Virtualmin’s Apache config interface.


I don’t know what you did… but things did not change for me… I get the same page I was getting earlier today… some page with a bunch of spanish or italian looking words on it.