Apache is not running php file when using cgi/fcgi


If you don’t need mod_php, you can disable mod_php within Apache.

That would make it so that the php.conf is no longer used at all, and also frees up a decent amount of RAM within Apache.


I’ll try to do it.

As I see, everyone always says to use fcgi, best performance and best security.

But the biggest problem is… When I go to sleep, this problem pass in my dreams. Someone will download my php code! (LOL)

I have found a lot of tutorials of “forbiden php to be downloaded” but no one works in my case.

I’ll try to disable the mod_php like you said!

Thank you!

FINALLY this solved my problem
thanks for sharing

I ran into this issue when upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04. Apache went from 2.2 to 2.4 and it installed the file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php5-cgi.conf which overrides the per-vhost AddHandler declarations via a SetHandler declaration. Solution is to run sudo a2disconf php5-cgi and restart Apache to disable that default configuration.