webmin2023019161648.zip (1.0 MB)
Still broken.
webmin2023019161648.zip (1.0 MB)
Still broken.
Thanks. No worries, I see the bug. I’ll take a look …
At some point, this happened:
|Webmin version|2.102.202309151540 |Usermin version|2.002|
|Virtualmin version|7.8.2 Pro
Alright, this issue has been fixed. You can install a new devel version of Webmin to get it working.
Thanks for reporting it! We will make a new Webmin 2.103 to address this and a few other issues.
Can you post a link to the new rpm? Or is it the same as the last one? Thank you.
The link is the same.
Confirmed. It works properly now. Thank you for your prompt solution.
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