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Good morning @staff ,
I would like to propose a new BACKUP_STATUS environment value of “2” when a backup is partial. We use central software to keep track of many Virtualmin backups and the post backup command only allows 0 or 1 for fail or success.
Please review my pull request:
← eugenefvdm:additional_post_backup_status_partial
opened 05:35AM - 22 Jan 25 UTC
This is a proposal set set an additional environment variable to indicate if a b… ackup was a partial success as opposed to a hard success or fail. We are using centralised software to keep track of all backups and it would be useful for our operators to know when backups were partial.
- My IDE has small tab/spacing issues that I couldn't correct easily
- In theory we would have 0 for fail, 1 for success, and 2 for partial and avoid have duplicate environment variables so perhaps there is some redundancy that the team wants to consider.